好的。 自贸英语 支持三亚等邮轮港口开展公海游航线试点,加快三亚向邮轮母港方向发展。 SupportcruiseportssuchasSanyainpilotinghigh-seacruiselinestoacceleratethedevelopmentofSanyaintoacruisehome-port。 【资料来源:省委深改办(自贸办)、省旅游和文化广电体育...
“I am handling the attention pretty well,” Kuzma said before a game against the host Washington Wizards last week. “I’ve never been one tolive up to the hype. I’ve never had it before ever in my life. I’m just doing what got me here. Be humbl...
A Girl Scout troop in Arlington, Virginia, used some of their cookie sales to support the celebration on the mall. "We hosted some troops from Kansas, Pennsylvania and Flor...
■说点别的吧之“I have a dream” 2010年1月17日,在华盛顿的斯图尔特霍布森中学,美国总统奥巴马一家用为学校刷墙来庆祝每年的“马丁·路德·金日”,同时,美国股市休市一天,以纪念这位美国民权运动领袖。这是美国唯一一个纪念美国黑人的联邦假日。 “I have a dream”...
Why can’t they understand the way we feel 为何他们不理解这份感情 They just don’t trust what they can’t explain 他们只是不愿相信无法解释的问题 I know we’re different but deep inside us 虽然我们不同 但也情深似海 We’re not that different at all ...